Thursday, August 2, 2012

Life is Change

Change. Life is change.  Without change there would be no life. If the seed didn't grow and change, there wouldn't be a flower.  This year, 2012, is certainly a year of change for me and for my family.

The good news is I am writing again and submitting. Best of all I've once more felt that wonderful feeling that only those who've touched the Muse know--yes, I've been in the flow where writing comes easy and feels oh, so right. Once more the creative energy is bringing a smile to my face and a brightness to the world.

The sad news is I'm also exploring the world of mourning for my mother who passed in April after a several year battle with Alzheimer's.  The truth that I've heard before but which never really sank home inside me is that no matter how old one is (and I'm certainly not going to give my years here) a child without parents is an orphan. For a while my world will be unreal because it does not include Mom.

Yet, my world does include my mom.  She gave me the love of reading as she read to me when I was a child sick in bed with childhood illnesses.  She and my father encouraged me to use my talents.  She was my proofreader for articles, short stories, poems and novels.  She was my cheerleader when I doubted my abilities.  I write today because of her encouragement.

Change....indeed life is change. Perhaps my writing will have a greater energy as I learn to explore this new world? I think so; the blossoming is Mom's legacy to me.