I own a Nook. Mostly it sits in my desk drawer. The habit of picking it up and reading books from this electronic device has not come to me. It is still a cool thing and miraculous because it contains a vast amount of knowledge within such a small space. A whole library resides therein. Amazing.
Because I am publishing my books on Amazon.com, I purchased a Kindle Fire. I am looking forward to holding it and playing with it and, even, reading books using the device. As soon as it arrives, I will start creating the habit. After 21 days using a Kindle to read books should not be strange, because it takes 21 days to create a habit.
I shall not give up reading books printed on paper. While I may enjoy the fun and convenience of my Kindle, I am loyal to the friends of my childhood. Still, I am excited by my new Kindle. I almost can't wait until it reaches my door. Making a new friend is always fun.
How do you feel about books, Kindles, Nooks, and other reading devices? Any tips on apps to get for the Kindle Fire?