Thursday, July 24, 2014

On Reviews

Do you review books you read? As an author with books up needing reviews posted to them,  I'm asking you to please submit reviews. If you enjoyed the book, it encourages the author to write more books you might like to read in the future.

I try to do reviews, although I've made it a personal rule to not review a book unless I think it rates at least 3 stars. To be perfectly honest, I haven't given any book yet a 3-star review. Some books I've quit reading because they need more editing or maybe I simply don't like the storyline due to personal taste. 

Here is the latest review I've written and posted to Amazon:

Five stars for Beyond the Horizon and a high five to this emerging new author! Wanda Kay Fittro proves herself a master storyteller in this romantic suspense novel. Josh and Katie overcome their hurtful pasts to find love despite the bad guy. A delightful paranormal element is in the mix--Two Shoes. I would love to see his story or at least his reappearance in a future Fittro novel.

You can find Beyond the Horizon  HERE.

The first review I did, made me nervous. Although I've critiqued other writers' works, never had I written a review which could influence how prospective readers would view another author's books. Never had I put something about another writer out there for the world to see; I did not want to hurt the writer's feelings.

The first review was short and not as polished as my later ones. Still, I got it out there knowing having reviews mean something magical to Amazon's placement of books and their authors in the system. Each review is important individually and counted together. We authors all want as many reviews as we can get. Of course, we want them all to be 5-star reviews; 4-stars will do. :)

How to review: 
1) Be kind.
2) Be fair.
3) Be honest.
4) Talk to the prospective reader as if you were standing by him or her in the library and recommending a book.

So, please take time to review the books you enjoy. Writing is a lonely profession and posted reviews give us solitary authors an opportunity to know we actually have an audience out there awaiting our next book.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

LRHallBooks: Summer Short Story Spectacular, Season 1, Episode ...

If you are interested in short stories, check out LRHallBooks blog. This installment features author David Todd who has a series with a CIA protagonist.

LRHallBooks: Summer Short Story Spectacular, Season 1, Episode ...: Welcome to the third summer Saturday installment of my interviews with some great short story writers - Season 1, Episode 3.  Today we mee...

Friday, July 18, 2014

Writing Lesson From The Bachelorette & The Bachelor

True confession--I love watching The Bachelorette and The Bachelor shows. These are a guilty pleasure. The shows are much like fiction as they are based on reality, with who knows how much unreality woven through them.

There is a hero, or heroine, searching for an ultimate goal which they hope to reach by the end. Over the show’s episodes, what the protagonists want may change; they may experience character growth, and, as a result, now want something different.

Along the story road, toads lurk to be kissed and dastardly villains must be rooted out. The search for love, as with a good plot, has ups and downs. No season has gone smoothly, unless it was one I missed.

Emotions are a huge part of The Bachelorette and The Bachelor shows. Emotions should be a huge part of fiction. The participants within the shows need to be displaying emotion and, hopefully, feeling emotion. The characters within our novels must be grabbing the emotions of the readers.

If all goes according to plan or plot, at the end of the season or story, the protagonist achieves his or her goal. The one they love awaits at the end to sweep him or her away to live happily ever after. At least, that’s what the audience, or the reader, imagines for the pair.

So, long story short, it is time for me to go and watch The Bachelorette. Adios, my friends, I go to cuddle next to my own hero as we watch the drama unfold on screen…

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Fun Series Featuring Short Story Authors Starting

I'm excited to let you all know that I will be one of the featured authors with LRHallBooks: Summer Short Story Spectacular! How fun to be included. I will announce the exact date closer to the time. Stay tuned. :)

The first blog interview at LRHallBooks is of Barbara Phinney aka Georgina Lee. Please drop by to see what she has to say:

LRHallBooks: Summer Short Story Spectacular! Season 1, Episode ...: Welcome to Season 1, Episode 1 of my Saturday Short Story Spectacular!   What  better  way to begin the summer than with a summer photo...